5. 문단작성
5.1 주제의 제시
--> 두괄식 구성은 독자가 글을 쉽게 이해하는데 도움이 된다. 첫째와 둘째 문장에 주제를 제시하는 것이 좋다.
물론 독자를 설득하기 위해 결론을 끝까지 미뤘다가 당위성이 충분히 입증된 후에 마지막에 제시하는 방법도 있다.
5.2 통일성
--> 하나의 문단은 하나의 주제만을 다룬다.
5.3 응집성
--> 문장들이 제각기 떨어지지 않고 뭉치게 하는 문장간 전환의 문제에 주의해야 한다.
또한 주어+동사의 기본구조가 반복되는 단문은 독자를 쉽게 지루하게 만든다.
흐름이 유려하고 재미있게 표현하는 방법은 문장 구조에 변화를 주는 것이다. 분사구, 전치사구, 수동태, 어두의 부사, 의문문 등이 문장의 선두에서 전환 역할을 해서 글의 흐름을 살릴 수 있다.
i) in regard to, with regard to, in this respect, on closer examination
ii) specifically, to be exact, more exactly
iii) as has been noted earlier, as was discussed above, as will be argued later
iv) in any event, to some(a great, a large, a certain) extent
v) with the exception of, as is the often(frequently, also, common) the case
vi) clearly, evidently, apparently
vii) generally, as a rule, on the whole
viii) possibly, supposedly, presumably
ix) simultaneously, likewise, similarly
x) for this purpose, with this in mind, before taking any further steps
5.4 논리의 전개
5.4.1 연대기적 기술
i) in 1990s, in the year 2005, last week, thus far, soon, after the project begin, after that, since then, before, after a while, until, as soon as
ii) last but not least, finally and most important
iii) Originally we wanted to.... More recently we have attempted to....
Now we are trying to.... In the future we shall try to....
iv) Mount the grating near the end.... Locate a rider on the scale.... Adjust the grating....
Read the distances on the scale....
5.4.2 원인.결과식 기술
i) therefore, thus, consequently, accordingly, as a result, so, since, because of, causes, results in, gives rise to, affects, requires, produces, when, where, given, if ... then
ex) Doctors have recently started to study the causes of a medical disorder which they have appropriately named SAD, or seasonal affective disorder. ... Their depression appears
to be the result of a decrease in the amount of sunlight they are exposed to. ... Depression may
result from the
ensuing imbalance of these two substances in the body.
Alice Oshima & Ann Hogue, Writing Academic English, 3rd ed. (1999 : 57)
5.4.3 대비.대조식 기술
i) however, on the other hand, less than, conversely, similarly, similar to, likewise, also, in contrast to, more than, as ... as, just as, is different from, whereas, while, in comparison, by comparison with, compared with
ii) A sharp contrast is drawn between A and B
A is in sharp contrast with B
A contrasts sharply with B.
The very opposite(exact reverse) is observed in this experiment.
There is a significant disparity between A and B.
5.4.4 문단의 기능적 역할
--> 첫 문단은 장 전체의 방향을 설정하거나, 전 장과 새로운 장을 연결하는 전환 역할을 하며, 마지막 문단은 글 전체를 요약해 결론짓는 역할을 한다.
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