Saturday, August 22, 2009

firefox-3.5 + Ubuntu-9.04

if you want update firefox to version 3.5, then you might use simple order in ubuntu 9.04.
$ sudo apt-get install firefox-3.5

then, you use firefox-3.5 whose name is changed by Shiretoko.

so, if you want to disagree to change, you shall use ubuntuzilla.


then, sudo dpkg -i ubuntuzilla-4.6.1-0ubuntu1-i386.deb

if you use v64, then you choose amd64.
you can use firefox-3.5


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

UbuntuOne - Free/not-free web disk

Ubuntu One is free/charged web-hard-disk which for Ubuntu usrers.
1. First you have to make a log-in id, it needs your e-mail address or openid.
2. then, you download ubunut one client to your ubuntu machine.
for free-user have 2G, else charged user have 10G web-hard-disk.

Enjoy ubuntuing :)

Link :

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

free counters